David Scott Bruce
852 Haight St @ Divis
San Francisco, California
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David Scott Bruce
Women in Consulting
Searchable member database with Web administration.
See the on-line demo |
Artist database with membership and Web administration. |
InnerSpace Engineering
Industrial equipment contractor Web site designed to load fast and be easy to update. |
- CRM tool for Netcentives with integrated email and knowledgebase.
Functional prototype in FileMaker. Final product in Java using the SivlerStream
(now Nortel's) IDE and application server.
- StyleMaker tool for clothing manufacturers to enter orders, make production
reports and do bookkeeping
- Order processing, costing, commissions, with integrated task manager
for InnerSpace Engineering
- And many more other applications, too
Most of these applications have been written using FileMaker. While my Web applications use PHP and MySQl, FileMaker offers the ability to create custom applications in very short periods of time. So it costs my clients a lot less. Also, because of it's simplicity, my clients can learn to make changes themselves, if they wish to save even more money.
For more information on FileMaker, please see my FileMaker
page here.