ndAg Studio's
Bintang Jatuh
(Falling Star)
Painting Exhibition
June 3-31, 2001
di ndag art studio Br. Kalah Peliatan, Ubud
Featuring the Pis Bolong artist group

Pis Bolong is a chinese coin that is used in Hindu's ceremonies in Bali,
especially in the sacred ceremonies. Pis Bolong can not be replaced
by rupiah coin (Indonesian coin) and that means a lot to us. We believe
that Pis Bolong will be used until the end of the world.
Bintang Jatuh, meaning: falling star, the title of the exhibition,
is not just a falling star but the beliefe that makes people hope or
wish for something. That's why we use this title. This is our first
show and we have our own wishes as a group and also as individuals.
And we want the people who come to the exhiobition to see us, our art
work, and, as a falling star, the wish of something for us or for themselves.
Dengan Hormat Mengundang invites you to the opening painting exhibition
" Falling Star" on Sunday, June 3rd 2001, 18.30 wita (lokal time) in
ndAg art studio.
Come to ndAg studio's first show, "Falling Star" and
see the art and the artists of the Pis Bolong Group. Here is a preview
of the show:
i wayan suma
"Cluman", mixed media, 130cm x 60cm, 2000
i nyoman wintara
"Senja", mixed media, 100cm x 90cm. 2000
i ketut wiranata
"Alamn Niskala", mixed media, 130cm x 80cm. 2000
i made murya
"Tukang Cukur Kolihng", oil on canvas, 90cm x 70cm, 2001
i wayan sudarwan

"Terjerat Aturan Dunja", oil on canvas, 125cm x 110cm. 2001
i wayan palasara

"Sembarangan Nuduh" (Accused at Random), mixed media, 80cm
x 90cm. 2001
i ketut gd "tode" arya

"Making Love" acrylic on canvas 125cm x 140cm. 2000
i wayan sutama
"Olforing", acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 100cm. 2000
i made dodit artawan
"Manusia Robot", mixed media, 110cm x 80cm, 2001
i nyoman suarsa (mamik)
"Face My Friend", oil on canvas, 75cm x 25cm, 2001
i wayan teguh wijaya

"Coba Artikan Cinta", acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 135cm. 2001
this piece by
pande putu supartama

"Kasih Sayang", oil on canvas. 90 cm x 80 cm, 2000
return to ndAg studio's